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Product Description
Product Details:
Minimum Order Quantity
1 Piece
50 kN
Material for Construction
Stainless steel
100 mm
12.7 mm
It is designed to determine the swelling pressure developed by soil specimens moulded to desired densities at knows moisture contents when soaked in water. The load applied to restrain the swelling is transferred to a load measuring proving ring through a perforated swell plate and a load transfer bar. The proving ring is attached to the lead screw of hand operated load frame. A soaking tank is provided for saturating the specimen and the base of the mould has channels and radial grooves with connecting holes it consists one each.
Other Details:
ZI 3069-1: Load Frame, Hand Operated, Capacity 50 KN (5,000 kgf)
ZI 3069-2: Mould, 100mm dia x 127.3mm height (1,000ml volume)with base plate and collar
ZI 3069-3
Proving Ring, with integral boss, high sensitivity 2.5KN(250 Kgf) capacity
ZI 3069-4: Dial Gauge , 25 mm travel, 0.01mm least countLid receiver in G.I. frame for 300 mm dia x 450 mm diasieves
ZI 3069-5: Perforated swell plate, 100 mm dia x 16 mm thick